Skin conditions and woundsOcean water differs from river water in that it has significantly higher amounts of minerals, including sodium, chloride, sulphate, magnesium and calcium. This is why it’s highly useful for skin conditions such as psoriasis.Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune (where the immune system attacks healthy cells) skin condition. People with psoriasis suffer often debilitating skin rashes made of itchy, scaly plaques.Bathing in natural mineral-rich water, including in mineral springs, is called balneotherapy and has long been used to treat psoriasis. There is also evidence for climatotherapy (where a patient is relocated to a specific location for treatment) in the Dead Sea being an effective remedy for the condition.People with psoriasis suffer often debilitating rashes made up of itchy, scaly plaques on their skin. Patients suffering from psoriasis have themselves reported feeling better after swimming in the ocean, but this may also have to do with sun exposure, which has been found to improve psoriasis symptoms.Ocean swimming also has benefits for eczema, another immune-mediated condition. Swimming in the sea can be a good exercise option for those with severe eczema as they often struggle to exercise in the heat and chlorinated pools.But the response of eczema sufferers to salt water is variable: some find it soothing, others uncomfortable.There is some evidence to support the idea the magnesium absorption is beneficial for the skin of eczema sufferers – presumably because it makes it less dry – as those using Epsom salt baths will attest. This may happen because the magnesium-rich seawater may improve moisture retention in the skin, making it stronger and more rigid.Because it is rich in other mineral salts such as sodium and iodine, ocean water can be considered an antiseptic, meaning it may have wound-healing properties. On the other hand, swimming in the ocean with open wounds may expose you to potential bacterial infections.(IMAGE - TARA) (Article from google : Health Check, why swimming in the sea is good for you)